Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Character Frannie

Frandela Twain Broomshead (aka Frannie) is a 23 year old woman from West Newbury, Essex. According to her doctor, Dr. Howard U. F. Eeling, she suffers from pretty much every phobia imaginable. Because of this, she takes series of heavy
rehabilitation classes in the vague hope of once recovering. She lives of government support and her hobbies include injections and vaccinations, shopping and dieting. Frannie also quite enjoys rubbing herself with itch relieving salves and creams or
painting her apartment over and over again. Struggles with love-life and finding her phobic place in the world creates an obscure world around her.
This blog features her experiences with the mentioned.

Quotes from incidents in her life!
"I could tell he was lying, because his lips were moving"
by Tina - Anger Management Group
"I swear te God, 't was tryin' ter kill me. It was at me legs and evr'thin" by Lex - Alektorophobia Relief
"Sometimes, at night. I can hear the sound of a polyester sweater climbing my bed post" by Lily - Textophobia Management
"Sitting on a chainsaw didn't remove the pain, or the fear. Now I realise that" by Graham - Rectophobia and Meditation Class
"I thought to be terrified of glasses and porcelain was perfectly normal, then my dog ran into our new verandah door until it died, and I realised I had a problem" by Edward - Nelophobia Therapy Circle
"My heart is longing, so full of love still, but no prince that can quench his thirst in it. I guess it's broken, undrinkable, poisonous.Unlovable" by Angela - Monophobia Lessons

Everything in this blog about Frannie or other characters is purely fictional except phobia names. Treatments discussed in this blog is not given from professionals and is not recommended for actual patients.
To learn more about phobias, visit


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